


Taking Steps With Our Partners

Taking Steps With Our Partners is an event campaign which strives to recognize, grow, and reaffirm our relationships with our different partners. Each event reaches out to a different group of partners in order to help fulfill both our partners and our organization’s needs to our best ability. Stepping Stones recognizes that without our partners, we would not be able to accomplish our goals, which is why we wish to celebrate and grow these relationships.

Summit on the Opioid Epidemic in Illinois

Stepping Stones collaborates with the Heroin Epidemic Relief Organization (HERO), the Will County Executive’s Office, The Southwest Coalition for Substance Abuse Issues and others to conduct an annual Summit on the Opioid Epidemic in Illinois.

Witches Night Out

Stepping Stones is honored to be a beneficiary of Witches Night Out, a costume fundraiser for women who want to make a difference in another women’s life. For more information visit